Detroit 1-8-7: Ice Man/Malibu (2011)
Season 1, Episode 11
187 back on track.
22 January 2011
I felt I owed this show a review after tearing one of the episodes apart previously. The conventions, story-lines, characters, dialogue, and environment add something special to this serial that is lost in other similar programs. In general, I despise cop/law dramas, but do appreciate character driven pieces, like the mentalist or house, for instance. Finch is strongly depicted by Imperoli. The long arcs are decent and relationships are dynamic enough, but I do feel the second season should push the characters further. I feel the subversion of police officers is a necessary evil when dealing with morality and rough justice in gray areas. In this episode, there are moments between Mason and Mahajan that come off so naturally, that I was impressed with the writing. The story was topical and used popular culture as a backdrop. I felt there was a Donnie Darko theme that was "borrowed", but other than that, it came across nicely. The variety of actors also gives this show a strong streak, because the variation seems enriching. Other than that, the show is a programming for an hour. Final note: I wish serials tackled subjects besides law enforcement. Imagine these same characters working at microbiologists dealing with invasive species and restoration in Detroit's eco-systems. Hey, it could happen.;)
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