Screen Directors Playhouse: High Air (1956)
Season 1, Episode 35
A father and son and their awkward attempt to reconnect.
22 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is the final episode of the 1950s anthology series "Screen Directors Playhouse". It featured an A-list director and a nice cast of Hollywood actors in a 25 minute mini-movie. Recently, Turner Classic Movies rebroadcast several of them after they'd sat on a shelf for more than 50 years.

This particular episode stars William Bendix and Dennis Hopper. Bendix is a 'sandhog'--a guy who works underground and digs tunnels. He's been doing it for some time and is surprised when his son comes to see him at work--especially since he hasn't seen the kid since he was 8 years-old. Apparently Bendix and his mother split up and the kid never really knew his father. However, Bendix is dismayed to hear that his son wants to work in the tunnels as well, as he wanted better for the boy. And, as a result, they have a fight--which in some ways makes no sense, as the man really doesn't have the right to tell the son what to do. It gets so bad that Bendix threatens him if he goes to work there. On the other hand, being a sandhog is a very dangerous job, so you can at least understand the father's concerns.

In time, it becomes obvious that Hopper has taken this job in order to reconnect with his estranged father. And, when this part of the film unfolds (following the fight), it's all rather touching. However, soon there is an accident and the lives of the workers are all on the line. I don't want to spoil the film, so I won't say more. However, it is one of the better episodes they showed--taut, well-acted and memorable. The end is spectacular--if a bit hard to believe. See this one.
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