Review of Lovely, Still

Lovely, Still (2008)
A cruel, unlovely film, and inadvertently creepy
25 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that I was prepared to really like this film, since it was shot in Omaha by a native Omahan, and it's true the actors were wonderful. The story, however, is more in M. Night Shyamalan's territory. Through the whole film you're watching one story, and then at the end you're switched to a completely different direction that renders what you've watched nonsense. While this type of setup was extremely effective in "The Sixth Sense," it is not meant for this kind of film. Sweet and tender it is not.

I felt disgust by what was done to Martin Landau's character, and couldn't believe a wife would perpetrate this on a husband she supposedly loves. I was fully expecting a haunting of some kind from the choppy earlier part of the film, and it had a creepy feeling through most of it, so the end came as a double shock. Definitely not for everyone.
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