Hard Pill (2005)
Questionable Idea
27 January 2011
The writer, John Baumgartner, had an original idea, but failed to make it work. That a pill would change a person's sexuality. A gay man, in his 30s, all of a sudden decides he's tired of being rejected in the bars and in life. So, why not turn straight? Then no more problems. Alas in life it doesn't work that way. Take a pill and girls turn you on. No, it doesn't happen. Our hero just fools himself in believing it will change his personality and bring him happiness with a woman. But our hero's problem seems to be not in the sex department but his own self confidence in himself. He lacks any commitment in anything. Seems to be dream walking and fantasizing his romantic escapades, including a gorgeous straight friend who gives his body to him out of friendship. This is what annoyed me in the film. Using others for your own weaknesses. Using them and then dumping them when it doesn't work. The cast seemed to be good for the most part and fit the roles well. Our hero, Jonathan Slavin, was very cold and filled with enough self pity. But I never felt the emotional toll it took on him. He seemed too staid in the role. However Susan Slone, his best friend, was perfection. With the right amount of sensitivity not to go over the wall. Her breakdown scene was simply precious. Quiet and filled with such raw emotions. Scotch Ellis Loring, his good gay bar hopping friend who cannot commit to any relationship, was well cast. Jennifer Elise Cox played the woman he befriends in a sexual relationship and goes home to meet the folks. She did a good job and came off sympathetic as well. Jason Bushman played a straight young beauty in our hero's office that is understanding of our hero's ailments. When he tries to approach him with his own doubts, I felt the script fell flat. Sort of a rush job ending. My favorite actor in this was Mike Begovich as the giving straight friend who really loved our hero in his own way. His wearing down and falling apart was so natural and realistic, I wanted to just hold him and weep. Brilliant work.

So, good idea, fairly written, well cast, yet lost original concept along the way. Worth seeing for some of the fine acting.
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