Review of The Prodigal

Angel: The Prodigal (2000)
Season 1, Episode 15
Kate was Buffy without the PTB
1 February 2011
Stop bashing Kate.

Joss set out to create the "un-super" Buffy for Angel to love.

The only difference between the two women is Buffy got the life of superhero and Kate just got the life. I.E. Buffy got cramps when a vampire was around, Kate just got a headache from disbelief.

I am sure Elizabeth would have scored big in the part if only Joss had more time to write her in between crossovers, channel changes, lawsuits, actor jealousy, exhaustion and also, like Kate, only being mortal in the end.

Elizabeth got a better gig before Joss got time to turn Kate into "MBC". (Most Beloved Character). Good for Elizabeth. And to make it up to Elizabeth, himself, and us, Joss gave us Fred. (BMMBC) (Blue Meannie Most Beloved Character) Stop whining, and watch another episode. dana
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