Review of The Swarm

Star Trek: Voyager: The Swarm (1996)
Season 3, Episode 4
Heal Thyself
2 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
More Doctor than you ever wanted… or needed.

Turns out Doc is learning opera. Why? Why would an emergency medical hologram want to learn opera? Are you asking us to believe that his programmer anticipated the possibility that the EMH would be used indefinitely on a ship stranded in the Delta Quadrant and designed an appreciation for Italian arias into his sub-routine so that he might enrich himself culturally? Gimme a friggin' break...

The Doctor- once limited to Sick Bay, then transferred to the Holodeck, and eventually able to go anywhere a human can- is over-staying his welcome. And that's a shame because I liked the character a lot. What was once limited and fascinating is now limitless and tedious. Did the writers realize that they were putting characters into comas or giving them diseases every week just to justify the Doctor's massive screen time and endless story lines? I did, and it's starting to pi$$ me off.

Here, the ship is under attack by a Plot Device- aliens without a name- as an excuse to tell the story of Doctor's degrading program. And we do that, of course, by featuring Robert Picardo in a dual role! Seems even the ship's computer feels Doc is stretched too thin as he begins losing his memory. Luckily the holodeck diagnostic program features the original doctor who designed the program so Picardo is able to linger on the final syllables of double the weekly wordssssss.

We're told the only way to save him is to reset his memory, and upon reboot he certainly can't remember Kes, yet seconds later he's singing the aria from the opening sequence, leaving us to believe that the writers couldn't make up their minds, and didn't! Move on...

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