Last Summer (1969)
Totally Engaging...
2 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Two teens (Bruce Davison & Richard Thomas) come across the enigmatic Barbara Hershey caring for a sick seagull on a beach. She seems earthy, loving and caring. She's also unusually cruel. The boys are soon infatuated. Things get complicated when a fourth teen (another girl)joins the mix. As Rhoda, Catherine Burns is awkward, precocious and very sensitive (something Hershey is repulsed by). Frank Perry directed this totally engaging coming-of-age film and it's one of the best of his spotty career. He coaxes thoroughly natural performances from the three leads and a miraculous one out of Burns. Ironically, Burns, who received the film's only Oscar nomination, did NOT go on to have a career nearly as substanitive as Hershey, Davison and Thomas. The perceptive screenplay is by Eleanor Perry. Filmed on Fire Island, but the film could have taken place anywhere.
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