The Spree (1998 TV Movie)
Not worth your time to watch
4 February 2011
It's not exactly a new formula, but a movie about a competent female burglar who has trouble staying more than one step ahead of the law has potential to be entertaining. Toss in some double-crossing along the way and some suspenseful scenes, and you'd think a good movie experience would be just about guaranteed. Not in this case, though.

The Spree has a mildly interesting plot due to a couple twists I think most people won't see coming very far ahead, but that isn't enough to make it a good movie. In fact, the movie isn't even average, it's outright bad. The dialogue is some of the worst I can recall from any movie, and Beals and Boothe add flat performances to what was already a poor script. There are multiple sex scenes but they're all boring and almost identical, and the obvious cuts from the nude body double to Beals' face are as laughable as her bemused expression in each encounter. There is also an extremely weak attempt to provide some background for Beals' character in the form of an odd side-plot involving her ill father, but it doesn't reveal anything relevant about either her character or her motivations.

If you're trying to decide between watching the Spree and any other movie, pick the other movie. Come to think of it, if you're trying to decide whether to watch the Spree or bang your head against the wall for an equivalent 98 minutes, you might want to give serious consideration to the wall.
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