Kill The Magician !
6 February 2011
I read once that (Criss Angel), a known magician, claimed that the revealing of this show is false, implying that those are not the real techniques magicians do their tricks. Well, I don't believe (Criss Angel), and I never did!

This is a rare, wicked and bold show. Watching it is insightful; that's why it is rare! The details are very well done, the narration is lovely, and it could say some things, long-time unspoken, that may burn down many careers for many magicians. Outrageously, rather insanely, bold in my viewpoint.

It has its problems. For one, the Masked Magician. I don't mind being masked; on the contrary, it's such a good idea to abstract the matter, inspiring that he's every magician. What did annoy me is that the mask was so cheap and ugly. And the moves of the man behind it were mostly effeminate!

The narrator is (Mitch Pileggi), best known as the FBI agent (Walter Skinner) in The TV classic (The X Files). Choosing him was masterstroke, since he used to be, in the aforementioned show, the highly reasonable voice inclined towards believing the unbelievable. True that he did here an attractive job, having a nice voice persona, but the material that was written to him wasn't totally great. The remarks about how the girls are beautiful, how the masked Magician can please them, went on and on. I loved most of the material no doubt; it was part of the revealing "show" of the magic show, though repetition is hell!

On a deeper level, there is couple of problems that this show causes. Firstly, breaking the code, any code, is bad idea itself. It is betrayal. But for the sake of pure science, being informed; I vote yes. The thing is I believe they did it for the money, and the sake of raising the holy ratings. Somehow it says that everything in the world has become breakable. Therefore, (Criss Angel) has all the rights to be angry, accusing the show with even false indictments!

Secondly, while breaking the magicians' code is risky thing to do, it's boring as well. At some time, breaking kung fu's secrets was a crime. Now breaking the magicians' secrets isn't. However, it can be for anyone who enjoys thinking about "How". So, it spoils the fun, killing the magician along with the magic. Although.. you can always "Not Watch".

So if you're so curious to uncover the secrets, just watch. If you want to prove your own intelligence, then keep watching the tricks, think about them, and use this show as a corrective reference. And as for the magicians, after praying for God that people won't catch this show anytime, anywhere, they must do some very hard work to create and renovate!
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