The Conqueror (1956)
Not down there as one of the worst movies of all time, but still horrendous
6 February 2011
I like John Wayne, and I have seen enough from him to know he has done some good movies. The Conqueror doesn't fit under there, I'm afraid, for me actually it is a serious contender for John Wayne's worst movie. It does look great with some sweeping cinematography and handsome scenery but that's it.

The Conqueror doesn't belong down there as one of the worst movies ever made I don't think, but it is still a horrendous movie. The dialogue is incredibly hackneyed and unintentionally funny and the pace alone kills it as it is so tedious. It also doesn't help that the story is uninteresting and the characters are badly written. The direction is okay-ish, but at the same time it didn't do much for me either. The acting is dire. John Wayne has done some great performances, but this is not one of them. Actually, to me, it was the contrary- I thought he was just dreadful and ridiculously out of place. Susan Hayward is one note and blank-faced throughout, while the rest of the cast fare little better.

In conclusion, not the worst or one of the worst but it is awful in almost every way expect the cinematography and some of the direction. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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