Bitter Feast (2010)
Horrible waste of time.
12 February 2011
Far less entertaining than reading Mexican graffiti on the wall of the bathroom stall, and take into consideration that I can't read Mexican. Whoever funded this trash should have spent his $20 better and bought a pizza instead. At least a pizza would have brought pleasure to 3-4 people, something this movie will not do in a lifetime, no matter how many fake reviews the cast and crew pile up on IMDb trying to get some poor sap to pay to watch this garbage. I couldn't even make it through half the movie it was so bad, and I'll watch Hogan's Heroes re-runs. It was so bad it put my dog into a coma and I had to have him put to sleep. The only thing this movie has going for it is it is so unmemorable that they can rename it in a few months and re market it as a Michael Moore documentary. Yes, its THAT bad. I blame the director, the producer, the actors and the writers for the poor quality of the film. They should all go back to working at Burger King and leave the film making to the professionals. Yes, I am being overly kind. Usually I would call for them to be flayed alive to keep anyone else from being inflicted by their horrendous garbage, but my brain has not yet recovered from the damage this film has done to it. I only wish I had huffed paint instead of watching this movie as I would have killed far fewer brain cells.
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