A playful mock-documentary about film making in Europe.
13 February 2011
This is a very enjoyable, playful mock documentary. It is nicely played and of course Maria de Medeiros in the lead role is wonderful. The story goes that they are making a documentary about Micheline Presle a seductive leading lady of the 1940s who is now a not so Young Lady in Distress who wants, before she dies, to see a film she made that was never distributed or indeed even shown anywhere - a realistic plot twist given the fate of the director of her first film. It is her wish that takes the plot further into a new and eventually surrealistic turn.

As the film progresses Frédéric Sojcher returns to the film world's much discussed theme of being in The Shadow of Hollywood. Perhaps it was in the making of the real documentary Born to Film that Sojcher found the urge to make a conspiracy theory film.

HiH has some excellent locations, which are explained tongue-in-cheek as being there just for the fun of being there. The hand-held point-of-view documentary style that takes us into the head of the lovesick cameraman make the movie fun to see. This is a movie that doesn't take itself too seriously but succeeds in delivering a feeling of a real conspiracy. This is a film for film lovers, you can feel that it was made with a lot of joy and I had a lot of fun watching it.
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