this is never boring
17 February 2011
This is a jolly and likable soft core sex movie. I'm taking the date from IMDb listing but am fairly certain this was the US release date for a film more likely to have been made in the late 70s. It may be that it is as a result of the director's limited abilities but the fact that this seems to jump about, with a scenario seemingly set up only to be abandoned, but it does mean this is never boring. Even the sex scenes, of which there are many and varied, are not over long. Tina Eklund, as the large buxom co- lead does really well and certainly seems to be enjoying herself. Ever reliable Ajita Wilson also helps this sunny, infectious movie, happily along. Some of the dubbing is a bit lazy, for instance someone says they are going off to change, but don't, breakfast is announced and missed out, but then like the seeming sloppiness of the direction, these quirks are not unwelcome. Did I mention Ajita in conversation with a mule? Probably not and I've no idea where the title comes from.
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