Where I Begin (2011)
Paint Me a Picture, Tell Me A Story
22 February 2011
When you look at movies filmed in North Mississippi, you're not looking at much. No film has gone out of it's way to capture the Gothic that is very much still alive in the dying towns of the South and the fascinating people who cling to them in this particular way. With only a handful of movies shot in this region, none have really taken the small town conflict to this level in a full length film, either. There is a lot to explore here; I dare you to watch this and NOT feel something. And really, the cinematography is gorgeous.

In recent memory living in this area, we've seen the filming of The Cookies Fortune, A Gun in Betty Lou's Handbag, The Help, The People vs Larry Flynt, and a few notable others.

But not since Intruder in the Dust (1949, and based on Faulkner's book) has a movie taken the kitsch and comedy out of Mississippi and put it on hold while the grit gets the forefront. Subject matter is strong here, the acting is authentic while the dialogue toys with the southern accent and prose of the English language better than it's given credit for. This film, I have no doubt, will be making it's rounds at quite a few festivals soon and will be well received. Don't miss an opportunity to see it if you get the chance.
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