Home and Away: Episode #1.338 (1989)
Season 1, Episode 338
"I've been lonely a long time, Dad"
25 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The cliffhanger is, thankfully, resolved quickly but the whole thing leaves a nasty taste in the mouth, not least because of the show once more trying to do more than it can:We're apparently meant to interpret the scene as attempted rape but there's only the odd comment to imply that's what the thugs were up to.Then we're treated to an appallingly written scene where Bobby and Carly basically announce that rapists always get away with it so you're better off not reporting them.Well, thanks, girls, that really helps the cause.

Once we've got rid of that nonsense and Bobby being able to recognise Adam from a quick glimpse at night from about a hundred yards away, this isn't bad.The Colleen/Marilyn scenes are okay and it's nice to get some back story for Marilyn although it's hard to tell whether we're meant to feel sorry for her or find it funny the way it's pitched.The stuff with Carly and Andrew, with Carly bluntly cutting through his hopes, is okay too.

Highlight of the episode, aside from Bobby generously giving Frank and Roo her blessing, is the scene between Alf and Morag.It's very rare to see Morag in the right and Alf in the wrong but that's what happens here, as Alf realises he's as guilty as trying to force Roo into his world view as Morag has been in the past.The door actually seems to be open for a happy ending here and Roo's moment of reconciliation with Morag is nicely done.
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