Review of Shadowheart

Shadowheart (2009)
Well made movie with stupid story and impossible plot
26 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Well made movie with stupid story and impossible plot. Too bad movie-making skills were wasted on this. The holes in the plot are baaad. But in order to make the movie last almost two hours, all the logical chances to kill the killer bad guy must be ignored. It's a phenomenon to make a movie about such a contrived, nothing story.

Unbelievable actors - though some of them quite good - with bad make-up to make them look tough. Why this story should interest anyone is beyond me. The villain is so villainous his mere presence supposedly make people obey him. The sheriff doesn't even try to flee when he's attacked. No one uses any opportunity to fight back. Except at the very end - and then the hero has to be fatally wounded to get his mojo up, the wimp (sorry, for the plot-spoiler, but there's not much plot to spoil).

Not sure what the morals here are supposed to be, in spite of the ref.s to the "King James bible". (Protagonist is called James - supposedly very meaningful - but meaning what? - Not much). Maybe it's: "Turn the other cheek until you're mortally wounded."

Awful. 2 stars only because there might be even worse movies out there. The mind hurts at the thought.
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