Review of Mad Dogs

Mad Dogs (2011–2013)
good, but should have been a film
9 March 2011
Mad Dogs is a really good program in my view, it has a lot of interesting times. good acting, good script and intriguing. however it isn't all fun and games, my main gripe with mad dogs is that there is barely any of it, sure it is an hour long but 15 mins of that is ads so in reality it is 45 mins long. Also, i mean, WHAT THE HELL 4 episodes, its the smallest series i have ever seen.

The four guys have been around British TV for a while and i thought prime time sky TV might be there big break. I am a big fan of Hustle and Marc Warren was in the first 5 series, i have seen the other actors in other shows as well. Especially the well known life on mars. the plot begins with 4 sixth form friends meeting up to go to their friend in Spain who has made it and has his own villa and is major rich. The rich friend appears to be acting odd and saying he needs to attend to business even though he has recently retired. the rich friend appears to be in some dodgy stuff which turns badly for the 4.

I'm not going to reveal the ending but i found it to be quite good and it was sort of a twist i guess. many of my friend appeared to not like it as much as i did, i think that they didn't like the ending because it doesn't tell you what happens directly, although if you think about it logically it is pretty obvious what happens in the end. i did hear that this was supposed to be a film, which i would think that this would be a better film than TV series. on the whole this is probably why definitely recommend mad dogs. even if it takes a while to set the mood it is worth the wait.
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