The Jetsons: Two Many Georges (1987)
Season 3, Episode 9
As if One Weren't Enough...
16 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever wished that you had your own clone? An exact likeness to be in one place while you're in another? Sounds like a dream come true, right? Say, wouldn't it be funny if George Jetson got cloned and launched into a series of hilarious mishaps, having to take the blame for the troubles his clone caused. That would be funny, right? You bet your arse! As we open, George is granted a week's vacation, and already his family makes plans for him. This sounds rough, but I think they have a point. He's always too preoccupied with work. First thing, George has to go down to Spacely's and get his new I.D. card. Why that can't wait until he's back at work I have no idea. But to top it off, he's requested to take Astro to the V-E-T for an, he can spell, you I-D-I-O-T. Plus, Jane, Rosie and Judy have things for George to tend to as goodness, but this family is LAZY. Why can't they do these things themselves? If George would just grow a pair and say no...ah, screw it. At the plant, Orwell Spacely unveils the latest in I.D.: a collection of DNA in a vial. When hearing of George's plight, Orwell decides to try his hand at cloning, but George feels it's too risky. However, after getting trounced at Elroy's hockey game, causing Judy's band a blowout, and proving once and for all that he CAN NOT DANCE, George decides to take Orwell up on his offer. Um, while you're at it, Orwell, why not clone him some cajones so he can say no for once?

After adding a few new abilities as well as IQ points to the DNA code, everything was all set for cloning. So after nearly destroying the lab, the clone is born, and it's wearing boxers because this is a family show. George 2 looked almost exactly like the original, with one exception: a big-ass black spot on the back of his neck. So, Orwell and George go fishing while George 2 goes about his implanted tasks. Unfortunately, George couldn't enjoy his vacation, worrying whether or not his clone was capable of carrying out his duties. George becomes jealous of his clone, seeing as how it aces everything he was bad at. So...George is jealous of his own creation. Not only that, but he overhears Jane talking to it about the dance. Well, sir, that did it. George steals a vanishing spray gun from Orwell, ready to kill his double. So through a series of twists, turns and mishaps, it is revealed that George 2 is superior to the original, who decides to run away and join the Foreign Legion, vanishing spray rifle in hand. Thankfully Orwell stops by and, grabbing George 2, they go to stop the original George from a life of space patrol. It seems the clone wasn't long for this world, so he joins the Legion in place of George. He disappears half way up the ramp. So, now the only George Jetson in the universe goes home to his family, who admits that they like the old George better, as opposed to the smarter, flashier one. And that is the story of how George wasted a perfectly good week.

This one was pretty good. It was a nice break from Mr. Spacely and it was good seeing something happen to George that wasn't related to the job. The family episodes are always the better ones in my opinion. And so, this concludes the 'physically altered George' trilogy. Seeing him get turned into a child was funny. Going invisible had no comedy in sight. Finally, being cloned was double the pleasure and double the fun. So far I'd have to say this episode, "9 to 5 to 9" and "Wedding Bells for Rosie" are Season 3's best. I do have a question though, what happened to Orbitty? He hasn't been in any of these episodes. Maybe Astro ate him, I don't know. So, Jetson fans, see "Two Many Georges". It's a good one.
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