Batman Begins (2005)
My Favorite Batman Movie
17 March 2011
Probably my favorite superhero movie; tied with Iron Man if not. Does this mean I don't love The Dark Knight? No. I love it. Still, it was after I'd seen The Dark Knight several times, after it'd been years since I saw this that it hit me, this was the movie I wanted. The whole look and feel of the film. All the gadgets and explanations and different factors that formed the Batman; the look into the Batman mythos. Everything Christopher Nolan did to bring everything together. I loved every second of it. Everything was perfectly in character, or new and very witty. It was Iron Man before Iron Man. But with less special effects (which is not to put down the FX of Iron Man, BB just didn't need them as much) and more character.

I repeat; this is not to say I did not love The Dark Knight. I would not give up Heath Ledger's performance for anything. Still, I prefer the movie Batman Begins. The Dark Knight is the better movie, Batman Begins is my favorite.

Darker than any Batman before it (which is saying something), exciting, deep, witty, I loved everything about it. In my opinion, THIS is the movie that redefined the superhero genre. The Dark Knight took it further, but it would not have been without the incredible groundwork of Batman Begins.
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