Freight (2010)
Over the top "Taken" wannabe
17 March 2011
I wanted to like this movie it's British and so am I. It's writer and director are obviously alarmed at the criminal elements flooding in the U.K. and so am I. So why didn't I like it? Firstly the acting, over the top clichéd Eastern European accents by British actors ( I know their Brits because of all the commercials I've seen them in). The actual "stars" were pretty poor to I really think they wanted a leading man to be like Bob Hoskins in "The Long Good Friday" but it just didn't work.

Secondly the plot was so full of holes it must have resembled a teabag.

I really can't be bothered to list them all as it would take as long as the 88 minutes I spent watching this stink bomb.

Finally the action and amount of killings were at a cartoon like level and never a policeman in the area? The UK isn't this violent it is a violent place but not in the way portrayed here.

The only plus for this film is that it didn't have Danny Dyer in it that was the only reason I decided to watch it. If your looking for a good British gangster movie, look elsewhere.
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