Shaun of the Dead: 9/10
21 March 2011
Nick Frost and Simon Pegg were delightful in this parody-like British zombie flick. Shaun (Simon Pegg) is a TV store senior staff (or oldest) who had gone nowhere with his life. His 3-year relationship with his girlfriend just ended and he had no idea what his next move is. In the beginning of the film, you see the director trying to foreshadow upcoming events like flashing the news and the radio. After all of that, Shaun and his friends still got no idea that zombies were coming to town. Finding out that they were possibly going to die, Shaun decided to go to a safe place, The Winchester, the bar that he and Ed (Frost) always goes to for comfort. Also deciding to pick up his mom and his ex-girlfriend, Shaun battled through a pile of bloody zombies in a brilliant way. Walking through the streets as though they were zombies, hitting a zombie in a musical rhythm, and missing as he shoots the zombies are great work of director Edgard Wright. It's got a feeling of sensation from Dawn of the Dead, but it also has witty humor from its characters unlike most other zombie flick. Shaun is an uptight store manager that wants to get his life together. Ed is a fat loser who lives with Shaun and play video games all day. When they're together, funny. Even though I stress on how funny it is, Shaun of the Dead is still a horror film with much appreciation for the bloody gore and scares that a typical zombie flick has.
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