Review of Devotion

Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior: Devotion (2011)
Season 1, Episode 6
24 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I have to admit that as I have been watching this show it has occurred to me that some of the stories have been a bit far-fetched and there is just a bit more over-acting than i would normally accept........but I haven't said anything because, well I really didn't care........however, this episode just seems to me to be so out there and unrealistic that I couldn't keep quiet any longer.

The woman playing the wife of the victim at the park was terrible......her husband had just been ripped from the bosom of the family and found HANGED in a tree and she seemed barely disturbed by the entire episode.....she was just completely unbelievable as a victim survivor.....she seemed more like she just had a minor fender-bender or something.

The killer is traveling around the countryside with a decomposing body that he keeps moving from a vehicle to the outdoors and back again with all that that entails and NO ONE notices??.........even though it must smell just awful and is starting to liquefy?? The fact that if they didn't have Vangness at her computer there would be no show is just sad.

The final scene where their "personal" sniper clearly has a rampaging serial killer who has been running around hanging random innocents in his sights while the killer holds a gun on innocent hostages and another is almost going to be hanged from the ceiling and is directed to shoot the killer's sister's corpse.....twice.....all the while having to listen to an unbelievingly pretentious morality lesson by the big star.......was just too much for was, and you all know it, is just not how any police agency in the world would soon as he had moved the gun to a neutral position in regard to the hostages (in this case, his mouth) he would have been clipped and that would have been that.........i thought it was so unbelievable i was almost hoping he would shoot Forest in the middle of his soliloquy or at least pop his jerky father or even might have saved this ridiculous know, the writer of these shows was supposed to have been a Chicago cop for 10 years......I think he didn't spend enough time on the job if this is the best he can do.
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