Review of Demented

Demented (1980)
This movie was not too bad. but not for everyone
27 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off by saying this film is not for everyone. Let's start with the ugly, and that is the acting. Although the main actress was a gorgeous woman her acting chops didn't seem to have the proper emotional punch it should have when it comes to dealing with such a horrific event. It would meander from a dazed ham handed joke about being raped to a child like squeaky 'I'm lonely and I don't want to hurt anymore' For the first half of the movie you wonder where its going because every scene seems strikingly the same as the last.

UNTIL...AND HERE COME THE GOOD AND THE SPOILERS!!!!! She gets attacked by some punks one night in her home and really goes off the deep end. I mean its sadistic and cruel but so very pleasing to see some of this trash get whats coming to them. Like a mad scientist done in with their own creation, these jerks get mutilated one at a time! I mean its creepy and ugly, but for my money, I say 'hell yeah'. Really the last third of the film saves it for me because I really wasn't enjoying the monotony of the acting or the situations. I do not recommend this to anyone who has a weak stomach or DOES NOT HAVE a sick sense of irony.
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