This picture deserves a Gander.
28 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Very interesting & entertaining English film. Well directed and acted, too. The slightly autistic and introverted aeronautical engineer, as portrayed by James Stewart, while mostly credible, makes a late discovery that indicates a recently developed plane's structure will fail from metal fatigue after exactly 1440 hours of flying time (and not just approximately 1400 hours, mind you!). That was the single flaw in the film that kept it from rocketing to a full 10 for me. A competent A.E. (which the character is supposed to be) would simply not overlook as common a variable as temperature gradient when projecting structural failure, even in the early days of aviation. But on the positive side, there was continuous suspense, realism, and a good pace exercised throughout this film without any sensationalism or the stretching of credulity. The characters were fully believable, and the basic story itself is a fascinating one. Score another for the British film makers!
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