A clever partnership of two classic Dr Seuss characters
29 March 2011
I love the writing and stories of Dr Seuss, they are funny, witty, colourful and charming with great characters and amusing plots. The Cat in the Hat and How the Grinch Stole Christmas are Dr Seuss at his best. The cartoon versions are timeless classics, and when it comes to the live-action versions Grinch is inferior but not as bad as it is made out to be in my opinion but Cat in the Hat is an abomination and the anti-thesis of the story it is based upon.

So what is this special? Well it is classic Dr Seuss, with not one but two classic Dr Who characters, The Grinch and Cat in the Hat. These two are great and iconic on their own, just imagine them together, for me it was a wonderful treat and so much fun. The story of The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat is simple, but has all the charm and fun of Dr Seuss's work. The dialogue is also very funny and witty.

The animation also impresses, it is very colourful and vibrant and sticks true to the style of the illustrations, while the music is equally energetic and playful. The pace is spot on, brisk and with seldom a dull moment, and both characters are wonderful to watch and exude an entertaining chemistry. The voice work is faultless, of course there will be inevitable comparisons with the original voice actors, but these voice actors are just as worthy and do a terrific job.

In conclusion, clever and entertaining special. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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