Before Ernest, there was Virgil Simms
29 March 2011
I didn't know about the show, 'Fernwood 2Night'. But, being a fan of Jim Varney and his Ernest character, I looked around to find all the shows he's ever been in and happened upon this selection. This show is just hilarious and there seems to be some ad-libbing going on and it makes it even more hilarious. Jim Varney as 'Virgil Simms' is so much fun to watch and a real treat for me to see Jim in his 20's and before the Ernest character surfaced 3 three years later. I laughed until I didn't think I could laugh anymore. My guess is that the Virgil Simms character might have inspired the 'Coy Worrell' character. This is also a rare comedy that's not dirty or laced with profanity. I was only 1 when this came out so I didn't know of its existence for many years but I'm glad to have found this show and something that Jim Varney played in prior to his Ernest commercials and movies. I definitely recommend getting this show. If you find it on sale, then buy it. You won't be disappointed. FYI: Jim, Martin and Fred would later reunite in two episodes of the ninth season of 'Roseanne'.
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