There simply are no words
3 April 2011
Once in a lifetime an event happens that is so monumental words can't describe it. "The princess promenade" is that event.

After viewing it my life was changed forever. All that was old became new again, seen through the eyes of a child. I'm tempted to compare it to the condition "Synthesia" where the brain generates additional stimulus, but this is far more esoteric.

There simply are no words in this language or any other to describe the impact of this film. "Brilliant" does not do it justice. "Justice" is not brilliant enough. "Supercalifragalisticexpialidocious" barely scratches the surface.

This movie has ruined all other movies that come after it, for none can achieve the level of innate perfection of the Princess Promenade. Love it. Treasure it. Experience it.

Be it.
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