4 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Let's try to keep our reviews about the movie, people - not to attack or defend the director.

That said, on to the movie - I was actually looking forward to this but it's really just not very good. The characters are really one dimensional - they could pretty much be named Girl 1, Girl 2, Character 1, Character 2 - they're all very interchangeable and bland. In most horror films, you care about the protagonist - or you at least have an entertaining killer to watch (for example, Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, etc.) This movie doesn't have any interesting characters, and you can barely tell them apart.

There's no real tension to the movie. The dialogue in the film is silly, as is the over-the-top acting. The production values are very C-grade -- the overly loud soundtrack and poor lighting is both distracting and annoying.

It might have been better if I'd understood what style the movie was actually meant to be - I couldn't tell if it was meant to be realistic, avante garde, schlocky? I can understand that women would be offended by the film - horror movies traditionally have a strong female lead who lives til the end. This movie doesn't have that, so really, the girls seem to exist solely as cannon fodder for the killers. The girls aren't particularly likable, but neither are the guys. Without that, it's hard to care about what's happening on-screen.

I don't think I'd watch this film again and I definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone else.
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