Would have been better as straight-to-DVD
4 April 2011
I went to see this movie for 2 reasons - #1, I love horror movies, and #2, I think the actor who plays Johnny is really hot. The movie was a real let-down though.

I gave it 2 stars for the sexy Christian Radford. He was really the only good thing in it.

The acting in the movie was really uneven, and the dodgy lighting and camera work definitely makes the movie suffer. I didn't expect too much from the script - it is a horror movie after all, but the attempted funny parts in the movie don't really work. It's like the movie couldn't decide if it wanted to be scary or funny, and it didn't manage to do either.

My feeling after the movie ended is that if it were a student film at uni, it wouldn't get a passing grade. It looks like they blew their budget on the horror effects and didn't have any money left for anything else - like some lights or a decent sound guy. There's not much point having realistic horror effects if the audience can't actually see them.

A shame - I'd like to see the actors in something else because they seemed to try really hard to give a good performance (despite the fact that they had some really groan-worthy lines), but I think the directors and writers of this movie have a lot to learn about making movies.
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