is this director serious???
5 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film has so much potential with what could have been a decent Tom Clancy-like storyline. I was intrigued by it and decided to take a gander at this obvious 'B' movie in the hopes that I might be pleasantly surprised by a diamond-in-the-rough. I was really hoping for a "The Final Option" type of flick ...

It wasn't!

I tried to write a full commentary of this farce but just couldn't justify the time it would take, this movie is that bad. Lets just go over some of the poorer (or more comical) moments ...

  • A female captain in the British S.A.S. - French operative wearing low cut blouse with skirt in downtown Beirut - another busty French agent able to record secret British Prime Minister conversations ... anywhere? - a Muslim assassin with fake DD's straight out of penthouse magazine (Irag edition) - ex-intelligence agent making a raid bra less with loose, baggy top flapping in the breeze ... are you seeing the trend here? - Italian Special Forces looking completely amateur wearing ill-fitted undone fatigues - S.A.S. soldiers looking like a group of 50-somethings pretending to play war

This movie tries so hard to be serious yet comes up with the above examples (and that is just a short example of a long list) of why this director is a complete joke. He has done zero homework on any facet of the movie he is making and the events and scenes he is trying to portray. Obviously NO military adviser was on set to make any of it realistic. The action scenes (what few there were) would have been better choreographed by a group of children. Editing was performed by my dog. Decent actors Davies (tries too hard to be a reincarnation of Churchill) and Sirtis (who just looks old and tired) must really be hard-up for a paycheque to be dragged into this mess. What more can I say, save your time and money and go rent "The Final Option" for a good look at the famed S.A.S., real acting and good action.
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