White Van Man (2011–2012)
At last!..A decent comedy from BBCThree, and worth the wait!..
5 April 2011
I couldn't stand Two Pints..., and unfortunately thought of Mellor as a one trick pony. how wrong was I!..This was funny, light-hearted, and not afraid to laugh at itself, but above all, it was well written (take note, budding scriptwriters, and those idiots responsible for Lunch Monkeys. If you start with good material, it makes everything work that little bit better)! I thought Mellor did a wonderful job, remaining the focal point while all around him descended into chaos-we've all met a Darren in our time (I don't know Joel Fry, but shall watch out for him in the future). Nice to see Clive Mantle back on the beeb as well! I especially loved the music...Somebody was obviously a big Ska fan...So I finally have something for which to thank the producers of Two pints......Bringing Will Mellor to our attention! Set your TiVo for next week!..

Time to regroup and reassess...We're nearly through the second series, and where's the sparkle gone?..Someone else on this board has speculated that the writers have changed, but I'm not sure I can be bothered to find out!..It's now degenerated into a series of too-carefully contrived overly silly situations, too much screen time given to Joel Fry (I love him, but less is more), and sexual tension played off between Liz & Emma...Nothing new here, we've seen it all before...Pity, it showed great promise...
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