A Powerful Take on a Powerful Story
8 April 2011
This was just broadcast in one go, the original episodic partitions merged into one showing as part of the Masterpiece series on PBS. I didn't actually get to see the whole thing, coming upon it as I did part way through. At first I did not know what it was about, but something quickly seemed compelling and it wasn't long before the story became evident to me. Then I stayed up much too late, unable to turn away.

If you don't know the story, read the book first. If you do then you don't need me to tell you what it is about. But concerning this production, it blew me away. It is beautifully crafted and sensitively acted. The character of Anne and her interaction with those around her during a truly bizarre time is disarming and haunting. My big plasma screen may have helped, but it was the nature of the production and the intensity of the story that really pulled me in, making me feel I was in the same space with them, as a silent observer to the ups and the downs, the warmth and the tension, the joy and the anger, the hope and the fear.

The ending was a nice touch. Everyone was accounted for. I could feel a sense of grief and a sense of closure, knowing the aftermath of what Anne was able to record.
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