Review of Sky High

Sky High (1985)
Travelogue Masquerading as Thriller in Sunny Greece
8 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This tame account of three single, male, UCLA students on vacation in sunny Greece is a travelogue masquerading as a thriller. Director Nico Mastorakis stages the action against some of the most breathtaking scenery in the Mediterranean Sea. Unfortunately, the scenery is more interesting than this lame spy thriller about a Russian who gives a top secret formula to a nerdy kid while visiting the Acropolis of Athens. The drug works on the central nervous system like no other drug imaginable at that time. This mysterious drug is the best thing about this forgettable nail-biter. The KGB stalk Lester (Daniel Hirsch of "My Chauffeur"), Bobby (Clayton Norcross of "Defending Your Life"), and Mick (Frank Schultz) across the Aegean in an effort to get their hands on the secret formula. Along the way, our misfit heroes run into a bevy of beautiful babes, and we are treated to lots of topless shots of women strewn out on the beach. Mastorakis conjures up marginal suspense. The best action scene involves a "From Russia With Love" style helicopter shoot'em up where a major supporting character, a CIA agent Boswell (John Lawrence of "Hot Summer Week"), who has been running interference for them for about two-thirds of the movie, dies from three bullet wounds to the chest. The three leads are leaden lugs and their acting is abysmal. Les is the be-spectacled computer nerd who is drawn out of his corner and given a make-over. Les is also the one who has the drug thrust upon him before they pile aboard a cruise ship with two sinister KGB agents tailing them. Les throws the drug that was recorded onto audiotape into the sea. Evidently, the drug when it is encoded into a tape puts out a sound that stops people dead in their tracks so you can walk around them without them seeing you. The dumbest scene has Bobby and Mick fleeing across white-washed roof-tops with the KGB hot on their heels and then leaping off the roof and landing without injury onto a vehicle loaded with eggs. Talk about far-fetched nonsense. As one KGB agent pursues them, they hurl eggs at him. Eggs! The major revelation that comes with a quarter-hour left to go contains a couple of surprises, but these reversals don't compensate for the lackluster thrills and chills. Incidentally, the title of the movie is the name of the mysterious drug that gives everything an hallucinatory experience.
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