Sorry IMDb...It's still Pure Cinematic Garbage
9 April 2011
On October 17th, 2005, I originally Reviewed Grizzly Mountain...and I still come to the same conclusion that I had on that night; This movie is pure cinematic garbage.

The first mistake is the horrible acting in this film. 95% of Dylan's lines sound like he was reading them off a script, And even worse is how he seems to have the most of the lines in the film. actually, just about everyone except Dan Haggerty (Jeremiah) Martin Kove (The Marshall) and Kim Morgan Greene (Betty, Who looks like a prostitute in her bare shoulder dress) either can't act or overacts.

The Second mistake is all the obvious bloopers. Anyone who grew up in the 1990's would know a gameboy can't make noises that clear like in the movie, and every time Dylan turns the gameboy on, it doesn't have the traditional Gameboy "ding" noise that plays every time a gameboy is turned on.

The story is as follows; Dylan and Nicole's dad works for Portland, Oregon's development projects. He's deciding to turn modern day Grizzly mountain into a place for condos, Stores, and golf courses. while bringing his family up for a camping trip. But while Dylan and Nicole go out exploring, they enter a mysterious Indian cave, and travel back to the 1870s, and meet with Jeremiah, who is facing a crisis - Grizzly mountain is about to be destroyed so a railroad can come through. if that happens, He loses his home, his Indian friends lose their homes, and the animals lose their homes. So with the help of Dylan and Nicole, They all must band together to stop the greedy Bossman, His Sugar mama Betty, and the mayor from destroying grizzly mountain.

Yeah, No creativity was used whatsoever.

I own the classic 1997 VHS release, and according to the box, the Family advisory board called the film "Absolutely Terrific...Thoroughly enjoyable." And then on the back, there are 2 other Opinions; "Breathtaking" and then there's "Enchanting and Adventurous" But what's even funnier is who said that; The national Enquirer and The Family Channel, Respectively.

The National Enquirer, A magazine that has predicted the end of the world numerous times, Claims to have pictures of heaven, and a 3,300 pound woman, Actually reviewed this film.

Bottom line; Either you like this movie, or you flat out hate it. It could be categorized as a film so bad, that it's good. or you could say it's so cheesy it could be a Pizza.

1/10 - Trust me, Stay away from this one.
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