Review of Train Man

Train Man (2005–2006)
Very Japanese, adorable
10 April 2011
I first knew this show through "Japanorama" and finally found it and finished the whole 12 episodes in a week. A very "Japanese" show.

I asked a Japanese college, are those things really happening in Japan, like the little girl stepped onto the poor guy's ankle because he lost her balloon, or do Japanese guys cry so much and shiver so when they are nervous, or are the girls and bosses so violent and so alpha that they will hit their male omega and physically abuse them? He was just taken by surprise and laughed and said "no, no".

Sure, Japanese are polite. Look at how they bow, showing their most vulnerable body parts to you. And Japanese are really into manga and anime. So although the whole is very dramatic or "exaggerated", I still find the Japanese elements inside are very adorable.

Especially the "surfing" scene, I was touched. A Japanese female college told me, Japanese take apology very seriously. That is really so in that scene. Yamada kneed and kowtowed to beg Herme-San's forgiveness. A very nice and moving part of the drama.
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