Manos: the hands of Christmas
16 April 2011
I recently got the rifftrax version of this movie. Believe me when I say this is the only way this movie is watchable (I use the word "watchable" loosely).

The rifftrax guys are brilliant (as usual) but this movie must have been hard to riff because its so incoherent.

I really wonder what the budget for the santa segment was. It seems they just shot random shots of kids playing and added some shots of santa to pad it out. At the end, when the Ice Cream Bunny comes driving up in his fire truck, I'm sure I got a glimpse of Torgo behind the wheel, or it might be that by that time my brain was fried.

If anyone has ever wondered what an acid trip looks like, you need look no further then this fine mess-terpiece.
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