Arthur (I) (2011)
Tedious, unfunny, long, just a big mess
17 April 2011
* out of (****)

After giving such a rancid review to "The rite", making the claim that it was the worst film so far of 2011, well... 2011 has a new contender. Even going in, I knew this film was going to be atrocious from start to finish. Why see it then? Apparently my friend's fun night out consisted of buying my ticket to a movie I didn't ask to see, then having to reimburse him/her later, and eventually just seeing the damn movie.

Honestly, I kept in open mind in the beginning, but this film just did not do it for me. Even in the most stale comedies, I can laugh here or there. I NEVER laughed or chuckled. Not even a heartfelt smile. I honestly sat there with the same blank expression. What's even worse is that I predicted absolutely every scene, guessed every punchline, and even knew going it what I was going to get.

First of all, let's talk about the performers. Russell Brand is seriously the most irritable, pretentious actor, or at least in this film. I swear, I did not care at all about him. He didn't bring any charm or wit, he was just flat. Jennifer Garner was as equally obnoxious, but at least she didn't take up the majority of the film. As for the others? Honestly, I didn't connect to any characters. There was no development, no depth, no purpose. The characters were just there.

Not to mention, this story has been told a thousand times before. Can Hollywood stop beating a dead horse? Remake or not, the script is just very uninspired. Rich, pretentious dude has to marry an equally rich, pretentious dude, but falls for an arrogant, so called "sweatheart" and doesn't care about the "money". Maybe this would be interesting had it not been projected on the screen so many times.

All in all, "Arthur" is just another waste of celluloid. It isn't funny, it's not entertaining, and it's not worth seeing. Plain and simple. Had I not been forced to see this movie, trust me, I wouldn't have. If you MUST see it, please just rent the original. It's probably better than this movie. All I'm glad is that 2011 so far has had only two stinkers, or at least I've seen.
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