Last Breath (II) (2010)
You don't watch this movie, you experience it!
16 April 2011
This is a movie you don't watch, it's one you experience. And experience it you should. See it in theaters if you can...for starters. Till then you might as well just go to Amazon or wherever you can find it on DVD and buy a copy because you will want to watch it again and again and share it/experience it with others. I have a copy already and have watched it with many different people and while everyone is affected differently by it, everyone is always profoundly affected. And every time I see it, I see another connection that I missed before. There are so many elements that come into play. The entire movie from the gripping and intense story to the camera angles, lighting, location, music, etc. are above the line in every aspect. The acting is superb by everyone on-screen, with stellar performances by all. Aaron Laue as the dark figure brings an element to the character that is rare...comparable to Owen Wilson's performance in Minus Man, which is the ultimate compliment I can give. My only other recommendation is to buy a copy of this movie on DVD as soon as it's available before the prices start going up and the backorders have you singing Jingle Bells before you get your copy.
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