Wonderful And Charming Family Ballet Film. Perfect For The Easter Season.
17 April 2011
Warning: Spoilers
saw this movie when i was very young and was charmed. i now watch it every Easter season and still remained as coddled and cuddled by it as i was as a child.

it's delightful. it is also a beautiful example of Ballet and cinema. it boast some of the most beautiful photography to come out of England to date, which is no small feat considering that English cinematographers are amongst the very skilled and best. the sets, costumes and critter make-up is also equally accomplished.

with so many young people lacking in any traditional culture or understanding of the arts, this is a perfect way to expose them to something other than most of the mindless entertainment that targets them. at least kids will learn something here about the history of the arts and culture. anything is better than bringing them up on moronic commercial jingles and shows that are ALWAYS tied into merchandising. or pumping them up on video games that teach them nothing more than mindless winning and competition.

not to mention this is a very good understanding of Potter's early life and how she became inspired to draw. it's probably a better interpretation than the mushed down, Saturday morning cartoon interpretation with Renee Zellwigger.

if you are tired of your kids learning nothing but the "value of their own backyard", or how to "neutralize" the enemy, than start having them watch things of culture and breeding early on. who knows? maybe they'll turn out "genteel" than a "thug".
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