Review of No Way Out

Criminal Minds: No Way Out (2007)
Season 2, Episode 13
Want a strawberry milkshake?
20 April 2011
Watching Gideon at work has never been this interesting. This episode is special from the very beginning, as the happenings unfold before the viewer in flashbacks - we know the unsub from the start. As far as I can recall this has never been done to such extend and it makes the episode very exciting. Once more an episode refrains from using the famous "from picture to crime scene"-zoom but there are many interesting shots, particularly a simple mirror-shot that shows what the victims see.

What disappointed me was the end. I would agree that it is "necessary" in the course of the storyline but it just does not seem very realistic to me.

This episode is a MUST for every Criminal Minds enthusiast and despite the end it is remarkably done.

Favorite quote of the episode: "[...]but on the inside, we all look the same." (literally meaning the inside of a body)

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