Great Performances at the Met: Otello (2016)
Season 37, Episode 2
Great production of a great opera
21 April 2011
Otello has very quickly become one of my favourite Verdi operas. It has a wonderful story, characters that resonate with you long after and of course the magnificent music. This production of Otello was great in my opinion, I do prefer the 1986 Zefferelli film version, but I could tell a lot of effort went into this and it showed.

The sets and costumes, excepting Sherrill Milnes' tights which are horrible, are very pleasing to the eye without being too fancy, while the photography is excellent with exception of some hazy picture quality during the trio between Iago, Otello and Cassio. All the music is beautifully performed and sung particularly the Willow Song, the revenge duet and especially Iago's Credo in un dio crudel(Milnes' richest and most in tune rendition in my opinion, though I marginally prefer his acting and evil laugh in his All-Star Gala). The performers are first rate, not just Placido Domingo in a fine performance in one of his best roles as Otello but also a wonderfully delicate and poignant Desdemona in the name of Gilda Cruz-Romo and particularly an appropriately slimy and conniving Sherrill Milnes as Iago.

All in all, love the opera, loved the production. 9/10 Bethany Cox
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