Review of The Wounded

The Wounded (2003 Video)
The Wounded 1.0
22 April 2011
Gangs vs Cults.

Not for everybody. For its genre, not too shabby.

Starting off, cover alone, hot chicks, guns, anguish (more like constipated), but mostly hot chicks garnered my interest.

Some cool fight scenes. I really, really, really wanted to hate it. But what the hey, surprised - for a No/shoestring budget, how did they get access to a jail? Or a prison bus? Clearly the show runs on its memorable "characters" - I wasn't a big fan of Taka, the overly preachy counselor, but the LSD cult leaders and some of the gang members deserve some props for their standout scenes. Bella, the nekkid cult priestess - thanks for the mammaries for the Hot Tub girl! It didn't bore me compared to others of its genre. Seven stars because it entertained me.

I'm waiting for Wounded 2.0 Plus Zombies.

No, really.

No, really.
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