Review of Laundry

Laundry (2002)
A Japanese movie with a decent start but starts to get a bit slow, also the title of this movie is questionable
27 April 2011
The main reason I decided to see this movie is because it has Yosuke Kubozuka since I enjoyed some of the films he was in. This movie showed me that actor can actually play different characters than the character I seen in a lot of the movies he was in. He played the naive character that is 20 yrs old and yet has the heart and mannerisms of a soft hearted child very well. Although in another words he is a bit of a disabled character. I first thought this would be a action or rebellious movie with some romance and even some comedy thrown in, but that wasn't it. The plot is basically about falling for someone by coincidence and the obstacles some people face in life. Especially when it comes to friendship, love and family. And sometimes it did have it's moments and was touching in some aspects even if the movie doesn't really revolve around laundry. Personally I didn't like the slow pacing of this movie, it had a decent start but gets a bit boring after a while. But it does have it's moments and can be heartwarming at times as well, also for the most part all of the main characters are likable. Vulnerable and yet likable and thus end up caring how it will all end. However the movie seemed a bit longer than it had to be.

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