If they had only cast two more fitting actors together the movie really could have been something!
28 April 2011
'WATER FOR ELEPHANTS': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

'TWILIGHT's Robert Pattinson co-stars with Reese Witherspoon in this adaptation of Sara Gruen's popular novel of the same name. The screenplay was written by Richard LaGravenese (the screenwriter of such films as 'THE FISHER KING', 'THE BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY' and 'THE HORSE WHISPERER') and the film was directed by Francis Lawrence (an experienced music video director with only two other feature films under his belt, the sci-fi action films 'I AM LEGEND' and 'CONSTANTINE'). The movie revolves around a forbidden love affair at a traveling circus during the depression era with Pattinson and Witherspoon as the two somewhat oddly matched lovers. The film as a whole is a little hit and miss but it definitely has some good moments and is entertaining for the most part.

Pattinson plays a young ex-veterinary student in the 1930's named Jacob (which is kind of funny if you know anything about 'TWILIGHT') who dropped out of school when his parents were killed, after becoming greatly in debt due to him. He hops on a train and meets up with a traveling circus run by a brilliant but insane ringmaster named August (Christoph Waltz). He impresses him with his former education and knowledge of animals and is given a job as the circus vet. He then meets the beautiful star of the show, Marlena (Witherspoon), who is also August's wife. So when they fall for each other this of course spells trouble.

One of the main problems with Hollywood romance films is you can't force chemistry. So just casting two popular actors together isn't going to work if they don't have it. That's the case with this film, you never truly believe Reese and Robert are in love with each other (which should be the heart of the film), but that's the problem with a lot of films so you can't fault it too much for that (and I don't think it's because of the two leads' ten years age difference, like some have noted, but it is funny that Pattinson played Witherspoon's son in a deleted scene to the 2004 film 'VANITY FAIR'). They're not horrible together and neither is really bad on their own either. Pattinson was a horrible actor in the 'TWILIGHT' films but here he's adequate (not great but OK). Witherspoon is good like always and Waltz is outstanding as the mad villain of the film (but he's really beginning to be typecast as such). The movie looks beautiful and there are some decent action scenes and thrilling moments. It does start out a little slow but it picks up and is mostly amusing from then on out. If they had only cast two more fitting actors together the movie really could have been something.

Watch our review show 'MOVIE TALK' at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7A8qHI10rk
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