Review of Skin

Skin (I) (2008)
The movie as a whole was a very emotional movie yet I really enjoyed it.
1 May 2011
Sandra Laing was born to a white mother and father yet she had the skin color of a black person. Although Sandra's mother bore a baby boy that came out to be dark like Sandra, the movie stayed focused on Sandra and the parents.

The movie showed that great perseverance can make just as much difference as the obstacles. The plot focused on the obstacle of being colored in a white world or family for that matter as this white family tried to raise their daughter that looked black in South Africa. Black people were being treated as beneath whites but Sandra was taught by her father to "never give up".

Sandra's parent had her classified as white with the Government but all of the hardships Sandra and the family face forces Sandra to question her Identity where Sandra eventually finds comfort with a black man names Pedrus.

Sandra showed great strength throughout the movie as the movie had highs and lows from fun or intense moments to feeling the sad emotions. It was presented in such a way that the audience could feel what was going on in many scenes. The acting was great with the facial expressions as all of the actors in the movie assumed their character.
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