Hard to Judge a Film Like This
6 May 2011
Ninjas battle Vampires for the fate of the world...

Let me be completely honest... this film arrived in my mailbox for review, and I shuddered in fear. Low budget, very cheesy premise... I figured there was no way this could possibly be good.

On the one hand, I was not all wrong. The low budget does hinder them a bit, making it appear like a group of friends with a camcorder running around in the neighborhood. Which is probably exactly what it is. Also, the costumes are really, really bad -- one in particular is awful (you judge for yourself).

But, the general concept comes off much less stupid when you see it in action, and had a bigger company tackled this and given it a better name, it may have a following. Where the film really excels is in the writing of jokes. They obviously knew they could not take themselves too seriously, so there is a joke every minute, often at the film's expense. One character is jokingly called "Destro" and "Doctor Doom" to heckle his cheesy mask.

If you do not know pop culture references, you may hate this. The story is good, but not great, and the acting is nothing special. Again, it is the jokes that sell, but if you do not know the movies and comics they reference, it may be over your head. Plenty of X-Men banter, and more than a few "Twilight" slams.

I cannot recommend this film to just anyone. The pampered viewer who needs the latest special effect and big names will hate this and turn it off after 5 minutes. Fans of the lower budget may find it to their liking. It is an ideal drinking film. Oh, and the rocking soundtrack deserves praise... that may have been the deciding factor between this film failing or succeeding. It succeeds, barely.
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