Praise for Film-makers.
7 May 2011
"Water For Elephants" is Hollywood at the top of its game. I haven't read the novel by Sara Gruen, but after watching this two hour long spectacle, I will take time to read it soon.

There is not one fault that I can find with the film. From the opening scenes to the closing credits, it had me hooked with its tale of loss, hardship, camaraderie, greed, hope, tragedy and ultimately love.

The acting by all concerned, particularly the leads, is exceptional with some Oscar worthy performances here. For any doubters, Robert Pattinson proves his worth admirably and Christoph Waltz will have truly established himself as A-list. Reese Witherspoon is very graceful as the centre of the attention of the two men.

The costumes and the sets are appropriate for the period and the cinematography is beautiful, making you feel like you are there amongst the magic and chaos of the circus in 1931.

The array of performers, and the animals too, take centre stage from time to time, bringing light relief in some scenes and stirring more heart rending emotions in others.

The film does not shy away from the problems of the Great Depression and the suffering of the many so that the few can profit.

Overall, "Water For Elephants" harks back to a Golden Age of Hollywood when films stayed in your thoughts and emotions long after you left the cinema. This is a very worthwhile effort indeed.
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