Doctor Who: The Curse of the Black Spot (2011)
Season 6, Episode 3
Yeah it's campy. What do you expect.
7 May 2011
Of the two reviews currently up, one acknowledges the inherent child-like fantasy that permeates the Dr. Who Universe. The other complains about this point. really, I think I can see both sides of the coin (or pirate medallion. This episode certainly has plenty of plot, and while it doesn't specifically go for silliness, IT is hard to choose a much more romanticized and cheesy topic than English pirates. The more I think about it, the i realize that yes, i acquiesce (I doubt I spelled that right), it could have been much more of a claustrophobic psychological thriller, a la Blink (I don't care what anyone says, the weeping angels and the 3 episodes they've appeared in are far scarier than the silence). But maybe because of the confines of 45 minutes, they had to keep stuff moving at a fairly brisk pace. The quest to make the characters legitimately deep continues, and I think they are getting better at it. Maybe. Also, two thirds the way through, there was a delicious non sequitar cameo thrown in, one that will probably make more sense in the coming months. All in all, a solid, fairly entertaining episode.
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