Should not have been made
9 May 2011
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say that has not been said before? If the producers wanted to make this sequel so badly, they should have done it immediately after book 2. Then, they could have hired the same actors.

Even if they wanted to go back to the story line of the books, they could have built in some sort of transition in which Orry could have received the ending a character of his magnitude deserved. Having him stabbed by Elkanah Bent was bad enough; the way they went about filming it was even worse. Orry Main, one of the heroes of the series, should not have been killed of in this manner. It was cheap, easy and poorly done.

Too many critical changes were made. We now meet the Billy Hazard "the Third", which takes some serious getting used to. Even worse is the new Charles, who looks like he is too young to have even been at West Point, let alone serve in the war. At the end of Book 2, we saw Charles as a tired man, with wrinkles around his eyes and a world of grief in them. How did they ever think hiring someone that young could ever do justice to the character?

Terri Garber did a good job, she was clearly in her element playing the devious Ashton. her storyline however, was all over the place. Did she grow a conscience? She seemed to, but it was never made clear and in the end she always turned out to be the Ashton we knew, which became boring eventually.

Time lines were screwed up. Orry junior was the eternal infant, never aging even though his cousin Gus did. Acting was poor, filming and editing even worse. I would not even light a fire with the script and inconsistencies were too many to count. And I won't even touch the subject of Elkanah Bent.... I really could rant on forever but let's just say this sequel was not up to par. And that is putting it very, very mildly. I would discourage anyone to watch it. Just enjoy the first two books and forget there ever was a third one. It is not worth your time. It should not have been made; at least not like this.
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