Entertaining, great visuals, plausible conclusion
9 May 2011
If you're a baby boomer you will probably not like this movie.

Generation Zero takes a look at modern post WWI history and attempts to define where certain cycles begin and end, thus framing the motives and desires of the population in terms of where they fit in the cycle. Unlike many other movies in this genre it refreshingly doesn't get bogged down in conspiracy theories and new world order memes.

Many of the ideas expressed in Generation Zero are not entirely new, but this is the first time I've seen them all presented together in one place. The cast is quite interesting, with a few well-known names, and does a decent job of explaining the various arguments and their subtlties.

I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who wants a quick, obviously abridged, history lesson. It pulls together many different factoids and personalities from as many different eras in an easy to digest way that most people would not experience otherwise.

I only gave it an 8 out of 10 because it avoided disenting opinions and pretty much left out WWI entirely. Otherwise it was one of better documentaries on this topic that I've seen.
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